Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cup O Joe Anyone?

If you haven't taken the time to pop on over to Starbrook's Coffeehouse recently, you are missing out on the latest greatest understated hangout in SL. Starbrooks is finely furnished by Moxie. Circ chairs and table allow for a small trivia group to gather. A larger corner couch allows for lounging and enjoyment of the open mic. Outside are cuddle spots, a dance area, and a gaming table. Any of these outside spots are a perfect place to enjoy a sunset or sunrise with friends.

I had a conversation recently with someone who just happened to be hanging out at Starbrooks when I popped in. Her first comment to me was how nice it was to find a place where you weren't bombarded with ads or propositions for sex. I agreed with her and we chatted for a while and answered the random trivia questions when the conversation slowed.

Far too often in SL I find myself on a mission to go somewhere, buy something, or organize and run an activity. Hanging at Starbrooks reminds me that sometimes it is nice to just sit. Sometimes it is just right to enjoy meeting someone new and not feel the need to think beyond just that moment. Sometimes it is all about just sipping some coffee (this time of year for me it is iced coffee all the way) and hanging out.

Sip slowly and enjoy the summer. Swing by and join me if you get a chance.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Schedule of Events for May 23 - May 30, 2008

Friday, May 23 ~ 6 - 8 pm SLT
Trivia with JoshuaSteven Schism
$500L payout!

Monday, May 26 ~ Time TBD
Open Mic
*warm up that voice! brush up on your jokes!*

Wednesday, May 28 ~ 5 - 7 pm SLT
Music and dancing!
Live DJ Shayla Juran

Friday, May 30 ~ 12 - 2 pm SLT
Music and dancing!
Live DJ Crighton Johin

Friday, May 30 ~ 6 - 8 pm SLT
Trivia with JoshuaSteven Schism
$500L payout!